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Image element

General options

  1. Image - Select the image you want to use
  2. Image size - Select the image size from a predefined list of available image sizes for the selected image or use a custom size
  3. Align - Select the horizontal image alignment in the parent container
  4. Link - Select where you want the image to link to
  5. Show caption - Select if you want to show the image caption.
  6. Caption text - Enter the caption text you want to display

Style options


Zion Builder elements allows you to style almost every part of an element. All style options follow the same options structure. You can find more info about style options here

  1. Wrapper - Will style the wrapper of the element.
  2. Link styles - Will apply the link containing the image
  3. Image styles - Will apply the actual image

Advanced options


All the options inside the advanced options tab are the same for all elements. You can find more info about advanced options here