Menu #
General info #
The menu element allows you to display an WordPress menu inside the page.
General options #
- Select menu - Select the WordPress menu you want to display. Read more about WordPress menus here
- Orientation - Select the menu orientation. You can choose between vertical and horizontal menu
- Menu alignment - Select the desired menu horizontal alignment
- Display submenu indicator - Choose yes if you want to show the submenu indicator
- Submenu icon - Choose the desired submenu indicator icon
- Submenu indicator size - Set the desired size for the submenu indicator
- Flip the indicator when the submenu opens? - Select yes if you want the submenu indicator to be flipped when the submenu is active
- Collapse to mobile at - Choose the desired window width at which the mobile menu should display
- Mobile menu full-width - Choose yes if you want to expand the mobile menu to full width of the device
- Mobile menu alignment - Select the desired horizontal alignment for the mobile menu items
- Mobile menu trigger alignment - Select the desired horizontal alignment for the mobile menu trigger icon
- Mobile menu trigger title - Set the desired text that will appear next to the mobile menu trigger
Style options #
Zion Builder elements allows you to style almost every part of an element. All style options follow the same options structure. You can find more info about style options here
- Wrapper - Will style the wrapper of the element.
- First level menu items - Will style the top level menu items text
- First level menu items active - Will style the top level menu items text while the menu item is active
- Submenu items - Will style the submenu items text
- Submenu items active state - Will style the submenu items text while the menu item is active
- Mobile menu trigger - Will style the mobile menu trigger icon
- Mobile menu wrapper - Will style the wrapper containing the mobile menu
- Mobile menu items - Will style the mobile menu items
- Mobile menu items active - Will style the mobile menu items while the item is active
- Mobile submenu wrapper - Will style the mobile menu wrapper
- Mobile submenu items - Will style the mobile menu submenu items
- Mobile submenu items active - Will style the mobile menu submenu items while they are active
Advanced options #
All the options inside the advanced options tab are the same for all elements. You can find more info about advanced options here